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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

EXTENDED DEADLINE: Learning Abroad Poster Competition 2015

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Wednesday, 21 January, 2015 - 00:00 to Sunday, 8 March, 2015 - 00:00
Event Type: 
West Midlands
West Midlands Universities

Have you spent a summer or year abroad?
Would you like to inspire younger students?
Do you have a creative streak and a talent for design and presentation?

Routes into Languages West Midlands invites final year and postgraduate students who have spent a summer or year abroad to enter our "Learning Abroad" poster competition to inspire sixth form students to follow in their footsteps and travel abroad!

Posters can include photos and/or text and should answer the following questions:

  • Where did you work or study?
  • What skills have you gained?
  • How have you changed as a person?


Entries can be submitted in a range of languages but should be aimed at an English-speaking audience. They should be designed to print in A3 size.


The deadline for submissions is SUNDAY 8th MARCH 2015.

Please email your poster in PDF format to or post to:

Learning Abroad Poster Competition

Routes into Languages West Midlands

Aston University MB741

Birmingham B4 7ET

Please remember to write your name, university, telephone and email address on the back so we can make contact with you.


Prizes include a £50 voucher and a selection of travel guides. The winning and highly commended posters will be exhibited at the Routes into Languages West Midlands Learning Abroad Conference in March 2015.