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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

Languages Day (Yr 11-13)

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Tuesday, 26 June, 2012 - 00:00
Event Type: 
South West
University of Bristol

The event is aimed mainly at Yr 12 students, but Years 11 and 13 are also invited to attend. The aim is to encourage students to continue with their study of languages and to show them what learning languages at university is like. The day will introduce more specifically how languages are taught at Bristol university and also give general information sessions on various topics, such as the year abroad, how to write a good UCAS statement and others.

The day will start at 10-10.30 and finish at about 3.30-4pm. Refreshments and lunch will be provided.



Students will be divided into groups of approximately 15-20, and each group - accompanied by a student ambassador - will do a session in a language they are already studying, a taster session in a language they have never studied before and a session on culture/ history/ literature/ politics. They will also have a session with final year students and have an opportunity to ask questions about the year abroad and life at university. In the closing session students will have a chance to talk to Admissions department about personal statements, and there will also be some tips about strategies for language learning. And during the lunch break student ambassadors will take different groups on tour around the university.