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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

Video Conferencing Sessions (Yr 9 & 11)

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Thursday, 22 September, 2011 - 00:00 to Tuesday, 29 November, 2011 - 00:00
Event Type: 
South West
Plymouth Business School

Routes into Languages in Plymouth has availed itself of the technique of video conferencing, which offers an efficient means of contact between schools and the University.

Routes SW (Plymouth) has been engaged for a couple of years with Hayle Community College, in Cornwall, in a serried fortnightly video conferencing sessions in Spanish and French. At Hayle, pupils from years 7 to years 11, but mainly years 9, in selected groups of 4 to 6 participate in regular oral practice in the target language they are studying for their examinations. The theme of the session is chosen in advance by the school (i.e. my school day, my town, my region, my hobbies) and the pupils interact with our trained RiL student ambassadors.

The sessions last circa 45 minutes, pupils are asked questions in the foreign language and are encouraged to formulate their own questions. The use of English is prohibited.


The following sessions have been booked:

Yr 9: 22 September, 20 October, 24 November

Yr 11: 29 September, 15 November, 29 November