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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

Why Study Languages? - bespoke school visits (All years)

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Wednesday, 1 September, 2010 - 00:00 to Thursday, 31 March, 2011 - 00:00
Event Type: 
West Midlands
Your school

Need help promoting languages at your school? Then contact the West Midlands consortium!


We can help spread the word that languages are exciting, fun and important by supporting options days, language days and careers events. Members of the consortium can visit your school to attend your event, give presentations or simply give advice about language learning. We can also bring current undergraduate students to talk to your students about their reasons for studying languages and what it's really like.



Our calendar is filling up so please contact us soon if you would like us to visit your school.



Please note this activity is restricted to schools in the West Midlands consortium only. Please check the events page of your local consortium for similar activities.