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Routes staff from several partner HEIs is giving a series of talks to 1st and 2nd year undergraduates during the universities' Induction Week as part of the national 'Inspiring Languages Week'.
The aim is to raise awareness of the Routes into Languages programme in general, to inform university students about various opportunities of getting involved, such as Language Ambassador mentoring scheme in schools and Adopt A Class scheme, and to provide information about opportunities to study or work abroad as part of the university degree offered by different partner universities. Talks are also given to undergraduate students in non-language degrees about foreign language provision and opportunities to pick up a foreign language alongside a huge choice of subjects. Some talks include students' testimonials about their Year Abroad.
Watch students' testimonials about studying foreign languages:
Inspiring Languages is promoted jointly by charity the Education and Employer Taskforce, the British Council, the British Academy, Speak to the Future, Routes into Languages and many other organisations. For further information please visit the website.