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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

French GCSE speaking preparation for Year 10 pupils

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Tuesday, 1 December, 2015 - 00:00
Event Type: 
South West
Bath Spa University

This is an opportunity for pupils who are taking a French GCSE in the next academic year(s) to practice their speaking skills using a range of fun and innovative activities. There will be experienced teachers available to help with pronunciation and fluency and the low adult to student ratio ensures students speak as much French as possible during the day.

 Times: 9.30 am - 3 pm

 Cost: £32 per pupil


During the morning students receive help and language hints from the workshop leader. We choose a controlled assessment topic and create a presentation, often a video, which demands teamwork and a pooling of skills and knowledge. For example, we might choose 'Healthy Eating'. Students discuss in the target language, plan, prepare, rehearse and produce a film clip of their work. This is an intellectual and linguistic challenge.

At the end of the day the students have learned much new vocabulary; they have gained confidence, and they have learnt to work in skill areas in which they were previously uncomfortable. 

What you will achieve:

Extended knowledge of French and new confidence in speaking the language.

This is a joint event with the Network for Languages South West: