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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

Adopt-a-Class 2017-2018

Monday, 9 January, 2017 - 00:00 to Monday, 8 May, 2017 - 00:00
At schools

In this project, Student Language Ambassadors will be linked with a class in a secondary school. While the student is on his/her year abroad, s/he will maintain contact with the class via email, sharing academic and (suitable) personal experiences.

In addition, to sustain contact over key rest periods, we organise the Adopt-a-Class Conference in January/February, at which pupils will get a chance to deliver a short presentation on a topic covered previously.

The Adopt-a-class activity is suitable for pupils from Year 9 and above. It aims to:

  • Raise pupil awareness of language opportunities
  • Familiarise pupils with life in another country
  • Enhance pupils' cultural awareness
  • Offer pupils authentic language material
  • Disseminate information on student mobility schemes
  • Increase language up-take in GCSE, A-level and University


This activity is suitable  to both Languages and Citizenship studies and there are many opportunities for cross-curricular activities. Please note that it will not be possible to choose the destination country of Student Ambassador. The objective is to familiarise secondary school pupils with the opportunity to study abroad, and highlight what it's like to learn the country's customs and traditions and be completely immersed in the language and culture.


Milestones for Year 2015-2016:

  • Deadline for registering                     29 May 2015
  • Introduce students and teachers to each other.
    Draw up agreements.                        May-June 2015
  • Introduce students to the class       June-July 2015
  • Students in contact with the class  Sept 15 - July 16
  • Students re-visit the class                Sept 2016

 To register, please click here.