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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

East Midlands

Mirella Santamaria

Senior Lecturer History, Languages and International Studies / Project Manager, Routes into Languages, East Midlands Consortium.
Nottingham Trent University
History, Languages and International Studies - Nottingham Trent University

Dr Neil Hughes

Principal Lecturer / Programme Leader Modern Foreign Languages / Director Routes into Languages
Nottingham Trent University
Modern Languages and International Studies - Nottingham Trent University

David Woolley

Head of Schools Colleges and Community Outreach / Co-Director Routes into Languages East Midlands Consortium
Nottingham Trent University
Schools, Colleges and Community Outreach - Nottingham Trent Unversity

Languages: Careers Beyond the Obvious

East Midlands

Last month, the University of Nottingham hosted a careers event funded by Routes in Languages East Midlands and the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to inspire languages students and offer alternatives to “obvious” careers such as teaching or translation.

Students heard from former language students working in a wide array of sectors including Nottingham graduates themselves who have gone on to successful positions at The Huffington Post, HM Treasury and Amazon.

Speakers shared their experiences and explained how having a foreign language is a big advantage in the working world. Employers highly appreciate language graduates for not only the languages themselves, but for all the skills that come with learning a language, such as adaptability, cultural awareness, critical thinking and communication. Being a language student even allowed one speaker to kick-start her own business, showing that languages are useful in entrepreneurship! What’s more, with media, commercial and public sectors now operating on an international scale, hiring graduates with a second or third language is turning from an option to a must!

Exciting careers at the event included:

·       Senior Lifestyle Editor at The Huffington Post

·       Private Secretary to the Financial Secretary at HM Treasury

·       Fraud Squad Analyst at Amazon

·       Founder/CEO of ThirdYearAbroad.Com

·       Travel Agent at Halsbury Travel

Pre 16 Bespoke Programme in Spanish for Corby Business Academy

This event is fully booked
Tuesday, 8 March, 2016 - 00:00
Event Type: 
East Midlands
Nottingham Trent University - Clifton Campus

This is the second of four campus visits.  The year 9 pupils will engage in a multitude of activities designed to raise awareness of the importance of studying languages.  For further information, please contact:

Post 16 Bespoke Programme for AS students of French - Getting to Grips with French

Tuesday, 23 February, 2016 - 00:00
Event Type: 
East Midlands
Nottingham Trent University. Clifton Campus

The post-16 programme for students of ‘AS’ French, and from the widening participation audience, aims to increase attainment and heighten awareness of the importance of studying languages in terms of employability.  It also includes activities designed to enable participants to experience what it is like to study at University, with a view to informing choices beyond AS.   The language focus will be very much on increasing confidence where oral skills are concerned. Participating students will also receive progressive ab-initio tasters in Mandarin.   This is a two year project consisting of two campus visits during the AS year, and a summer school.  During the A level year, (year 2), there will be two campus visits.   For further information contact:

Interventions in areas of social deprivation

Routes into Languages East Midlands is tasked with increasing participation in languages amongst pupils attending school in and living in areas of social disadvantage.

The Consortium which is led by Nottingham Trent University has a strong history of working collaboratively with outreach departments within each partner institution, and has since its incipience, worked almost exclusively with target schools to bring awareness raising languages projects to groups with low participation rates in languages and low rates where progression into Higher Education is concerned. 

Welsh translation unavailable for East Midlands.
