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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility


Portuguese Double Club year 12 Ambassadors

Friday, 14 September, 2012 - 01:00 to Thursday, 20 June, 2013 - 01:00
At schools/Arsenal Emirates Stadium


Arsenal Double Club is an award-winning education programme run in collaboration with Arsenal football club.

Following last year’s success, we are launching the Arsenal Double Club Portuguese Ambassadors Programme 2012-13

As part of this project we will train Portuguese speaking  Year 12 students to deliver the Double Club Portuguese resources to younger pupils in Years 8/9 and local primary schools.

The training will take place at the Emirates on the 9th of November.

Ambassadors will be encouraged to bring their group for a tour of the Emirates upon completion of the six lessons. 

Deadline for application is 15 October 2012.


This project is free of charge but teachers’ support is essential for its success. Teachers/school staff are strongly encouraged to attend the training with students.

This project is suitable to all year 12 heritage speakers of Portuguese.


Please see attached a recruitment flyer, role description and application form. For more information, please go to the Double Club website on:


The Real World of Languages DVD - Careers and Languages Talk

Monday, 7 March, 2011 - 00:00 to Wednesday, 31 July, 2013 - 01:00
at schools


The DVD promotes the value of language and cultural skills for careers to 14-19 year old students in London schools and colleges. It focuses on the importance of languages for Media, Creative Arts, Leisure and Tourism, Health and Business and includes a series of lively interviews on location with businesses and schools. Participants include BA, BBC, Bouygues, Hotel la Place, Newham Language Shop, UK Trade and Investment, VSI, a UCL student, Bishop Thomas Grant School, The Compton School and Hampton Community College. The DVD was produced for Capital L by Regional Language Network London and students from the University of Westminster’s School of Media, Art and Design.


The DVD is designed to be viewed as part of a presentation led by one of our specially trained language Ambassadors whose role it is to lead a discussion and deliver a quiz about the film as well as to enlighten students on the benefits of language learning and show how this can impact their lives.


For more information and/or to request a workshop, please write to:


Please note that in the case of no-shows or late cancellations, we reserve the right to invoice your school for the costs we have incurred.

Due to funding restrictions, we are now obliged to charge schools that have less than 15% free school meals a small fee to cover the costs of some of our activities. Please get in touch with us for more information.

Welsh translation unavailable for Capital L - Routes into languages Year 3 Conference.

National Year 7 Spelling Bee competition

Wednesday, 1 September, 2010 - 01:00 to Wednesday, 29 September, 2010 - 01:00


The aim of the Spelling Bee is for students in Year 7 to practise and improve their vocabulary, spelling and memory skills in a foreign language (French, Spanish and German) and to raise the profile of language learning through a class, school and regional competition. :

December 2010 – Individual class competition
February 2011 – Whole school competition
16 March 2011 – Regional Competition
6 July 2011 – National Competition (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE)

How it works:
Students will be given 50 words to learn at the first stage of the competition and a further 50 words will be added at both subsequent stages of the competition. Vocabulary will be relevant to the curriculum. For the National Final words will be 2012 related. The competition should be launched in school in the autumn term and time should be spent teaching and practising the alphabet in the foreign language (paying attention to describing letters with accents, etc..)

Unlike in a monolingual Spelling Bee, students will be given the word in English, They will first have to translate it into the foreign language and then spell it out correctly using the alphabet in the foreign language.
When participating, students will be given one minute to correctly spell as many words as possible.
Words should be allocated in random order.
The names of the winners at each stage of the competition should be submitted to so that they can receive acknowledgement for their achievements via a certificate.
Finalists will be entered into the National Spelling Bee Final to be held on Friday 8th July in Cambridge.

If you’d like your year 7s to compete, please complete the registration form attached and email it to

 The application deadline for the Spelling Bee is Wednesday 29th September 2010.

CrossRoads: online support for speakers or learners of world languages

Wednesday, 1 September, 2010 - 01:00 to Tuesday, 31 May, 2011 - 01:00

CrossRoads is an online language support for 13-19 year old bilingual pupils.

More specifically, the project will support individual pupils who wish to develop their skill in a language of which they already have some knowledge but which they are not learning in a mainstream class. They may have no formal lessons at all or may be taught it in an extra-curricular or supplementary class. It is envisaged that participating pupils will apply for a qualification exam in the language studied.

Programme of activities, include:

Sept to October 2010
Teachers in secondary schools to refer up to 20 pupils.

November 10
Face-to-face meeting to match pupils to trained undergraduate mentors and train them to use UCL Moodle.
Pupils' self-evaluation in writing, reading, speaking and listening skills to be followed by developing a work-plan with mentors.

Dec 10 to Mar 11
The project will last for 8 weekly on-line meetings, followed by an end of project celebration.

April 2011

All undergraduate mentors will be CRB checked and trained for this project. On-line communication between mentors and pupils will be supervised by British Council Language Assistants and Language Lecturers.

For more information and/or to refer a student, please contact Terry King on:

Please note that in the case of non-show or late cancellation, we reserve the right to invoice your school to contribute to costs incurred.

Atlas: “Welcome to the World”– a competition for schools

Wednesday, 1 September, 2010 - 01:00 to Friday, 11 March, 2011 - 00:00

Secondary and supplementary schools in London are invited to submit entries for stage 2 of the ATLAS Olympic Languages Competition. (For the winning entries in stage 1, see


Create an on-line page or poster in PowerPoint, PDF or Word (landscape) welcoming young Olympic visitors, in any language taught in your school.

You will also need to add three more pages, or a short video or sound file, in the chosen language, covering just one of the following;

a) Information about the school's local area, places to visit, where to eat, how to get around the area, greetings and everyday phrases;

b) Information on selected sports (e.g. some past sporting achievements and future hopes of the target language’s teams) and a glossary of sporting terms;

c) Some notes for visitors on the local history or geography of the school area;

d) A recorded song, or performed sketch, in the target language (video or sound only, with text) on the theme of welcoming visitors (max length 5 minutes);

e) Original art-work on the theme of welcoming visitors; e.g. (i) a cartoon strip in the target language, or 3 posters for the Underground, or (ii) 3 paintings/drawings + commentary for an art exhibition welcoming visitors).
These will need to be scanned. The target language should be part of the work or a commentary on it;

f) A board game on the theme of visiting London (e.g. “Snakes and Ladders” where the Snakes are difficulties visitors might face and Ladders are helpful tips).

Only one entry per language per school. Competitors must enter as a group or pair.

This activity is aimed at Years 8 and 9 at Specialist language schools and supplementary schools. Teachers must vouch that they are learners at level, or a level equivalent to, Key Stage 3 or 4 of formal learning of the target language. Ideally the work will supplement class-work.

The entries in each language will be judged by university teachers of each language. Winning entries will be displayed on the ATLAS website. Winners will be presented with certificates at an Award event in UCL and will be offered an optional tour of the Emirates Stadium.

If interested, please contact the project manager, Terry King at


Bengali TV Advert – Media Production Workshop

Tuesday, 20 July, 2010 - 01:00 to Wednesday, 21 July, 2010 - 01:00
SOAS, University of London

This TV Advert media production workshop is a two-day language programme being offered to Year 12 speakers of Bengali.

The aims of the project are to give speakers of Bengali the opportunity to develop their written skills, to raise the profile of world languages in general, and to provide young speakers of world languages the chance to explore media production skills.

The first day will consist of high-level Bengali language lessons as well as sessions with current SOAS students working towards producing a script for a short film about London. The second day will consist of the filming and editing of the video, and a screening of the completed short films, which will be made available after the event. Students will also receive information about studying languages at universities as well as about other language qualifications.

The students
The students should be Bengali speakers in Year 12. Priority should be given to those who would be the first generation in their family to attend University. This is a widening participation event forming part of the Capital L-Routes into Languages project, and would be particularly suited to those who have taken Bengali at GCSE or are studying it for AS Level.

Confirming places
Please ask your selected students to complete the attached application including parental consent and return to the address below by Monday 5th July 2010. Please note there are 30 places, which will be offered on a first-come first-served basis (maximum of 10 places per school). It is not necessary for students to be accompanied by teachers.
Please inform Julien Boast of interest as soon as possible – you don’t need to wait until the form is completed, although only then will bookings be confirmed. If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact Julien Boast via email on or direct telephone 020 7898 4113.


Routes Into Languages: Employability Events Week - 7th to 11th June 2010

Monday, 7 June, 2010 - 01:00 to Friday, 11 June, 2010 - 01:00

Universities in the Routes into Languages Capital L London Consortium have put together a range of special thematic days for London school students. Each day will be unique and will focus on different employability-related themes and different community languages. Below is a table that highlights the offered activities:

This event has now been POSTPONED until Thurs, 17th June
Venue: School of Oriental and African Studies
Theme: Media
(Priority given to speakers/ learners of Turkish or Farsi; language tasters in Indonesian & Japanese)
Contact: Mr. Julien Boast
T: 020 7898 4113

Tue, 8th June
Venue: Kings College London
Theme: Health
(Priority given to speakers/ learners of Spanish; language tasters in Turkish and Russian)
Contact: Ms. Dominique Borel
T : 020 7848 2381
E :

Wed, 9th June
Venue: London School of Economics & Political Science
Theme: Business
(Priority given to speakers/ learners of Chinese; language tasters TBC)
Contact: Dr. Hong Lu
T: 020 7955 6126

Thu, 10th June
Venue: University of Westminster
Theme: Creative Arts
(Priority given to speakers/ learners of Spanish or Portuguese; language tasters in Arabic & Chinese,)
Contact:  Ms. Payal Gaglani
T: 020 7911 5765

Fri, 11th June
Venue: University of Westminster
Theme: Leisure & Tourism
(Priority given to speakers/ learners of Spanish or French; language tasters in Arabic & Chinese,)
Contact: Ms. Payal Gaglani
T: 020 7911 5765

Learning Outcomes
The key learning outcomes of the day are as follows:

- to get involved in themed subject-specific activities that show an insight into how languages are used in the real-life working world

- to participate in a range of new language taster sessions

- to interact with staff and students from universities and enjoy the facilities available in higher education institutions

Target Group: Year 9 Students

Numbers: 40 places on first come basis

Date & Time: 7th – 11th June 2010; 10 am to 4 pm

Registration: Please complete the attached application form and email it to the contact at the university you would like to attend the event at by Friday, 21st May 2010.

Capital L Routes into Languages Summer School - FULL

Monday, 6 July, 2015 - 01:00 to Friday, 10 July, 2015 - 01:00
London and Paris


The Capital L Summer School is for Y10 students and offers them the opportunity to visit 5 of Capital L’s Higher Education Institutions and get a feel for what is like to study languages at each one of them.

Participating universities include: King's College, LSE, SOAS and the University of Westminster. The programme also includes a trip to Paris, where we will visit popular landmarks with the help of students from the University of London Institute in Paris.

There are 30 places available in our Summer School. The deadline for submitting applications is the 13th May 2015.

The Summer school is free of charge. However, the actual cost per student is approximately £400 and is covered by Routes into Languages. Students are expected to attend all five days of the Summer School, with some flexibility for emergencies and unforeseeable events. However, please note that in case of late cancellations (made after the 13th of June) and non-attendance without a valid reason, schools will be invoiced for the total cost of unused places.

A letter to parents and application forms are available to download from this site. For any other information or queries you can email us at or give us a call on 020 7898 4745.



GCSE Polish Immersion Course

Wednesday, 14 April, 2010 - 01:00 to Friday, 16 April, 2010 - 01:00
UCL, London

The GCSE Polish immersion course is aimed at school students who would like to take GCSE Polish in 2010 but have not been able to receive any formal tuition.

You will be encouraged to improve the four central language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing, as well as
your examination-taking skills. You will be given past papers and specially tailored practice material to help build your skills and experience.

Additionally, participants will be invited to a careers session involving professionals, who will speak about the advantage of a good foreign language competence as an asset to enhancing your employment prospects.

How to apply
Please complete the application form. Parent/guardian to complete one section, then teachers to complete the reference section.
The application needs to be accompanied by a deposit of £30 to reserve a place (cheques to be made out to UCL). The deposit will be refunded to the participants at the end of the course. If a student is accepted but fails to attend the course, the deposit will not be refunded.

The deadline for applications is Friday 26 March 2010.

Further information
For more information, please contact Ewa Kedzierska:
TEL +44 (0)20 7679 8772
