Conducted by the University of Leeds
Key contact
Prof Pauline Kneale
Lead investigator
White Rose CETL Enterprise University of Leeds

The project is designed with three aims:
- Provide information on the current provision of enterprise skills within language courses.
- Establish the context and constraints which influence the different types of provision.
- Recommend particular examples of provision as models of good practice.
The project will concentrate on collecting data against each of these three targets in the first six months of the project from as representative a range of institutions as possible.
In the second phase of the project we will concentrate on refining the results, developing the models of good practice so that they are in an appropriate format for colleagues to adopt, and reviewing the enterprise learning and teaching examples from other disciplines which would be appropriate for language colleagues to consider for adoption.
Final report: Languages and enterprise
The views expressed in the report are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Routes into Languages or its members.
To order a print hard copy of the abridged report please email