Thanks to the Routes into Languages team at the University of Sunderland, The Great Languages Bake Off is returning for 2016!
EXTENSION: Deadline now extended until Thursday 3rd March!
Submission Deadline: Thursday 3rd March
Presentation Day: Monday 21st March 2016 9am-1pm
Specifically for Year 9 pupils, The Great Languages Bake Off is a video and cooking competition with a foreign language twist. You can find some great inspiration from the 2013 competition here.
How does it work?
Each participating school prepares a dish in French, German, Spanish or Mandarin Chinese.
You then:
Create and submit an ingredients list and instructions on how to make it in the target language.
Film and submit a video of your food preparation and narrate the process in the target language.
Include a commentary on the key language points that are worked on in the video.
Each school may enter up to 3 groups of pupils from Year 9.
A celebration event will be held for participants on the 21st March 2016 at The University of Sunderland
Detailed Guidelines for the Great Languages Bake Off Video Competition
To take part in the Great Languages Bake Off you need to:
- be in Year 9
- film and submit a video of the food preparation and narrate the process in the Target Language. The video should indicate who made it and give one contact email address and meet the technical requirements for videos (printed below).
- include a commentary on the key language points that are worked on. These can be presented in the video in any way the students think appropriate and can contribute to the criteria of creativity. For example you might just say ‘this is all told in the past tense’ or create speech bubbles etc. They are included in the maximum time limit.
- create and submit an ingredients list and instructions on how to make it in the Target Language. This should be in a Word document (.docx ; .doc ; .rtf) and submitted at the same time as the video. It should include the title of the video, who made it and give the same contact email address that is on the video.
- acknowledge those who helped you in the process. This might be your teacher, parents or friends. You will not lose points for getting help. These should be at the end of the video.
- submit the recipes and videos to a panel of judges before Monday 22nd February 2016 5pm.
All the recipes will go into a PDF e- booklet that will be distributed to schools and universities via the Routes into Languages network.
NOTE: Please find a Routes into Languages photo permission form below which must be completed by all participants (further information to follow).
Technical Requirements for your Video
- The video’s duration should be between 2-4 minutes.
- The format must be one of the following: mp4; avi; wmv ; mov.
- The video should indicate who made it and give one contact email address. This information should be written on the screen.
- The video must have a title.
Presentation Day: Monday 21st March 2016 9am-1pm at the University of Sunderland
Each group that entered a video into the competition will give a presentation (in English) on the process and show their video to an audience of peers and university staff. This will take place at the University of Sunderland on Monday 21st March 2016 from 9am-1pm. Presentations should be between 5-6 minutes (including the time taken to view the video). Each group member should speak. You should talk about:
- Why you decided to make the video
- What difficulties you had and how you overcame them
- What you liked most about the experience
1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded to the overall best three groups as decided by a panel of judges. All participants receive a certificate of participation.
Refreshments will be provided at the presentation day.
Assessment criteria for the presentation:
• Appropriate vocabulary
• Effective communication (voice, fluency, accuracy, clarity)
Assessment criteria for the video:
• Creativity
• Culinary Success
• Accuracy of language
• Pronunciation and fluency
Please check back from January 2016 for further details and a specific event programme for the Presentation Day at The University of Sunderland on Monday 21st March 2016 9am-1pm.
Please include full details of your school using the online registration form available. For any queries, please email jenny.hayes@sunderland.ac.uk.