Including screenings of some of the best world cinema releases and activities and discussions closely tied to the curriculum, in collaboration with the fantastic Tyneside Cinema in Newcastle our study days for students of Modern Foreign Languages are a brilliant way to bring language learning to life. Each event includes a full screening of a feature film and cinema based presentations, with support from Routes into Languages North East Student Language Ambassadors when possible. Teachers will also receive a comprehensive resource pack, full of activities to be used in the classroom.
This event - the very first for Key Stage 3 pupils - is centred around the film Tomboy and is a half-day event taking place from 09:30-12.30. Please visit www.tynesidecinema.co.uk/learn/14-19/mfl-study-days for full details. You can also access a wide range of free resources from past MFL study days here.
If you would like to make a booking, please get in touch with Tyneside Cinema’s Arts Programme Assistant Helen Robertson at helen.robertson@tynesidecinema.co.uk. Places for GCSE events are £4.50 + VAT. There is one free teacher place available for every ten student places booked. Please note that any changes to ticket numbers must be made at least 10 working days in advance of event, or you may still be charged.