As part of this competition, young people should submit a DVD of themselves performing a song in any language other than English. Songs will then be shortlisted for a performance on the opening day of the London 2012 Festival, 21 June 2012.
There will be 2 competing categories according to age:
a.14 – 16 years old
b.17 – 19 years old
Young people may choose to work in groups or individually and whether to have instruments on stage or a backing track. It is envisaged that this will be a cross-curricular activity between music and languages departments.
In addition, London will be divided into four regions: North, South, East and West. Capital L partner universities will work together to receive and judge entries in each region. Each region will then refer the top 3 entries in each age category for the London final, totalling 24 songs.
The theme of the competition is 'friendship, one of the three Olympic values. Songs should last no longer than two minutes and be accompanied by a translation in to English. Judges will be selected by partner Higher Education Institutions on the basis of an in depth knowledge of music and languages. Diversity will be one of the criteria in order to encourage entries in as many languages as possible.
The final competition will take place on the 21st of June 2011 to coincide with the opening of the London 2012 Festival. It will take place at the SOAS theatre in the evening to allow parents and carers to attend. Schools will also be invited to bring pupils. All shortlisted songs will be entered on a private You tube page.
Deadline for submitting an entry is 31 March 2012.
Submission forms will be available from this web page shortly.