We are now entering the third year of Routes into Languages and here in the West Midlands we are eager to get going! As well as a full calendar of events and activities taking place as in previous years we have also developed some new initiatives starting this year!
For Sixth Form students and teachers we have developed a new Language Shadow scheme which will allow students to spend half a day with a current language undergraduate attending lectures and finding out what life as a language student is really like. Teachers can apply to spend half a day with a language academic attending lectures and discussing current standards, practices and issues. We expect this scheme will be very popular and will help the often difficult transition between school or college and university. We are also currently developing a Guide to Language Learning Opportunities at HE for Students and Parents to help students who are unsure of whether to continue with language study after school or college and to ensure they are well informed about the wide variety of options available to them if they are thinking of keeping up languages but do not wish to study a straight language degree. This guide will be sent to all schools and colleges with a Sixth Form very soon and will be available for download under the Resources section of the Routes West Midlands website.
We are also currently working on an exciting new DVD project which has already received rave reviews in test screenings with Year 9 - 11 classes.
The drama features a teenage boy and girl who dropped languages after GCSE but now have the chance to win a summer Work Experience placement in Paris, Barcelona or Berlin. While the message is familiar – languages are fun, they help you get a job, working at languages brings rewards - the approach is new, and bang up-to-date. There will also be an opportunity to find out ‘what happens next’ and interact with the story on Facebook by viewing more episodes online at home, as the winner takes up their placement abroad.
Copies of the film on DVD and a resource pack for teachers will be sent to schools in the West Midlands soon and will be available for download on the website.
To read more about our exciting developments, have a look at our latest newsletter!