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Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

3-day Chinese/Japanese Intensive Courses for Y12 Students

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Monday, 26 July, 2010 - 00:00 to Wednesday, 28 July, 2010 - 00:00
Event Type: 
West Midlands
The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston Campus, Birmingham B15 2TT

These 3-day courses are held at the University of Birmingham for gifted and talented/ particularly able Year 12 students combining an introduction to each language with an insight into Chinese and Japanese culture.


About the course:
You have a choice of either a Chinese or a Japanese three-day course at the University. You will be studying on campus and will be taught by tutors from the University's Centre for Modern Languages. Each day starts at 10am and finishes at 3.30pm, with a lunch break from 12.45-1.30. You will learn the basics of the language, such as introducing yourself, giving personal information, counting, telling the time, shopping, talking about your family. You will also gain some insight into the Chinese/Japanese writing system and will explore interesting facts about China and Japan. In the afternoon, activities will centre on cultural topics and activities such as: origami, calligraphy, songs, role play...
Download the flyer for more information.

Please note that these courses are non-residential, i.e. the participants do NOT stay over night at the University.

For further information contact:

Sonja Bernhard

The University of Birmingham

School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music

Birmingham B15 2TT
Tel: 0121 414 2564

Please note this event is restricted to schools in the West Midlands consortium only. Please visit the events page of your local consortium for similar events.