An open competition to pupils of modern languages in North East schools.
Students' competition: £50 voucher for each Key Stage winner (KS1-5) PLUS runner-up prizes of EDL resources.
Teachers' competition: £100 voucher for each Key Stage winner (KS1-5) PLUS runner up prizes of vouchers up to £50. For details of the teachers' competition click here.
All across our region, and across the country, people know, use and learn langauges; the European Day of Langauges is an opportunity to celebrate what we do, whatever the language! GB will be hosting events that will attract speakers of other languages from all over the world, focussed on the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
We invite pupils to create an invitation to the North-East inspired by this theme.
Entries must involve words in a language or languages other than English, and should be no larger than a sheet of A4 paper.
Mark each entry with the pupil's name, age, class and school, as well as any necessary information abou the langauge chosen.
NB: We regret that entries cannot be returned. We reserve the right to use any of the images for promotional purposes.
We welcome joint entries, but please remember to credit any collaborators ... and to share your prize!
The DEADLINE is Monday, 4th October, 2010. Send your entries marked EDL COMPETITION to
Links into Languages, ECLS, King George VI Building, Newcastle University, NE1 7RU.
Many thanks to our joint sponsors: Association for Language Learning, Europe Direct, Links into Languages North East, Regional Languages Network.
The judges will be representatives of the sponsors and their decision is final.