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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

Language Ads Up!

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Wednesday, 25 June, 2014 - 00:00
Event Type: 
South East
University of Sussex

The University of Sussex Centre for Language Studies invites Year 9/10 students studying Modern Languages to an Advertising workshop day on campus on Wednesday 25th June 2014 from 10am to 2.30pm.

This activity aims to introduce students to the principles of advertising and marketing through the creative use of a modern language.

After an initial group welcome and introductory talk from an employer, students will work in target language workshops with University language tutors to analyse target language adverts before producing their own advert. The adverts may be created in different formats, such as poster, packaging, webpage, radio or film clip etc.

Following a bring-your-own picnic lunch - outside if the weather permits - students will work on the group presentation of their morning activity. These will then be displayed digitally during a plenary session in a lecture theatre before departure.

The finished adverts will be available for display on campus, in schools and on the Routes into Languages website.

Six languages are offered:

  • French - non-beginners
  • German - non-beginners
  • Italian - beginners/non-beginners
  • Spanish - non-beginners
  • Arabic - beginners
  • Chinese - beginners/non-beginners
  • Japanese - beginners/non-beginners

Places, split across the different language groups, will initially be limited to 12 per school.

If you are interested in taking part in this event, please complete the registration form stating the number of places you require and the target language or languages your students will work in.

Please note that a cancellation policy applies to this event. A charge of £5 per place booked will be charged if there are any no-shows on the day or if places are not cancelled within two weeks of the event (i.e. by 11th June 2014).