Eurofest - Languages for Life
Eurofest is a simulated trade fair event in which pupils deliver a product or promote a region of France, Germany or Spain in the target language. Awards are given for the most impressive, inventive ideas and use of the target language in promoting and engaging customers.
Routes into Languages, together with Selby College and a partnership of schools in the area, has produced a work pack which includes a CD Rom with printable worksheets and everything teachers need to run this trade fair event in their own schools. It is available in French, German and Spanish. Usually this is run with Year 9 pupils but it can be adapted to pupils in other years too.
Free copies of the resource pack are still available from Routes into Languages Yorkshire and the Humber and can be ordered by contactingroutes@hull.ac.uk or by phoning: 01482 565862
Eurofest won The European Award for Languages in 2009.