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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

South West

Year 9 Languages Day

Thursday, 7 July, 2016 - 09:30 to 15:00
Event Type: 
South West
University of Bath

A day event at the University of Bath. Students will have the opportunity to spend the day on Campus, practise their language skills and exchange experiences with Bath university students.

Classes will be offered in French, Spanish and German. Students will also have the opportunity to have a taster session in a new language and to attend a talk about the benefits of studying modern foreign languages.


Please find a brief outline of the days (it might change slightly):



9.30 – 10.00


10.00 – 12.00


Spanish, German or French (Post Beginners up to Pre-GCSE)

12.00 – 12.45

Lunch with Student Ambassadors

13.00 – 13.45

Language taster sessions, e.g.

Arabic, Mandarin, Italian, Russian,

Japanese (all Complete Beginners)

14.00 – 15.00

Lecture: Why languages? Feedback session

For more information please download the letter below.

Booking information: 

If you and your class are interested, please contact Astrid Forsyth: for more information or to register by 1st June 2016.

Year 8 Languages Day

Wednesday, 6 July, 2016 - 09:30 to 15:00
Event Type: 
South West
University of Bath

A day event at the University of Bath. Students will have the opportunity to spend the day on Campus, practise their language skills and exchange experiences with Bath university students.

Classes will be offered in French, Spanish and German. Students will also have the opportunity to have a taster session in a new language and to attend a talk about the benefits of studying modern foreign languages.


Please find a brief outline of the days (it might change slightly):



9.30 – 10.00


10.00 – 12.00


Spanish, German or French (Post Beginners up to Pre-GCSE)

12.00 – 12.45

Lunch with Student Ambassadors

13.00 – 13.45

Language taster sessions, e.g.

Arabic, Mandarin, Italian, Russian,

Japanese (all Complete Beginners)

14.00 – 15.00

Lecture: Why languages? Feedback session

For more information please download the letter below.

Booking information: 

If you and your class are interested, please contact Astrid Forsyth: for more information or to register by 1st June 2016.

Cultural Studies and Modern Languages - Free Online Course

Monday, 22 February, 2016 - 09:00 to Sunday, 20 March, 2016 - 09:00
South West

Start Date: Monday 22nd February

Cost: Free

Explore the culture, language and national identity of eight countries through their books, images, slogans and monuments.

Are you interested in other countries? Do you want to study and understand other cultures? This free online course will take you on a journey through a number of periods from the medieval to the modern day, from Russia to Europe and all the way to Latin America. 

This course extends over the period of 4 weeks and comprises 12 5-minute talks by members of academic staff on books, slogans, monuments and images from various cultures.

The course was designed by the University of Bristol, the lead institution on thematic area 'Languages for Culture, History and Society' in the South West Consortium.

It is aimed largely at Sixth Form students but some Year 11 students might also find it interesting.

The Cultural Studies and Modern Languages MOOC was awarded the University of Bristol Award for Education in the Faculty of Arts. Read about it in our News section.


This MOOC ran for the first time in February 2015 and attracted almost 15,000 learners world wide. The second re-run in October 2015 had over 11,000 subscribers. It is a free, online introduction to the study of Modern Languages and Cultures, aimed at a sixth-form audience and beyond, and requiring no language other than English to follow it.

Students are introduced to a range of foreign cultures via key slogans, texts, monuments, and images over a four week period. The course is ideal for anyone thinking of taking courses in Modern Languages, European  / World history or cultural studies at university.

Please download the flyer below.

Booking information: 

For more information and to register please follow this link:



Year 12 Explore Languages (French, Spanish & German)

Friday, 8 July, 2016 - 09:30
Event Type: 
South West
University of Exeter

Upon arrival students are taken on a campus tour by a current student, followed by a welcome talk from the Director of Languages. In the morning students opt for either French, German or Spanish sessions, and have two hours of classes, one of language and one on a cultural topic delivered by teachers, lecturers or Ph.D students. After lunch there is a talk on the year abroad by a current student, and finally students are offered a choice of Russian, Arabic, Chinese or Portuguese as a taster class.


The day begins from 9.30 onwards and finishes at 3pm.

We would be happy to welcome your students who could come unaccompanied if you wish. The train station is very close to the campus.

Booking information: 

Please email Damien Gaucher at if you have any questions about this event or to book a place please complete the registration form below.

Year 10 Discover Languages (French, Spanish, German)

Thursday, 21 April, 2016 - 10:00
Event Type: 
South West
University of Exeter

Students will spend the day focusing on their chosen language that they sign up to prior to coming – either French, German or Spanish.


The day will start at 10 am and finish at 3 pm.

Booking information: 

Please email Damien Gaucher at if you have any questions about this event or to book a place please complete the registration form below.

Year 10 Discover Languages (French, Spanish, German)

Friday, 15 April, 2016 - 10:00
Event Type: 
South West
University of Exeter

Students will spend the day focusing on their chosen language that they sign up to prior to coming – either French, German or Spanish.


The day will start at 10 am and finish at 3 pm.

Booking information: 

Please email Damien Gaucher at if you have any questions about this event or to book a place please complete the registration form below.

Year 10 Discover Languages (French, Spanish, German)

Thursday, 14 April, 2016 - 10:00
Event Type: 
South West
University of Exeter

Students will spend the day focusing on their chosen language that they sign up to prior to coming – either French, German or Spanish.



The day will start at 10 am and finish at 3 pm.

Booking information: 

Please email Damien Gaucher at if you have any questions about this event or to book a place please complete the registration form below.

ALL West of England Conference – ‘ALL New’

Saturday, 27 February, 2016 - 09:30 to 13:15
Event Type: 
South West
Bradley Stoke Community School, Fiddlers Wood Lane, Bradley Stoke, BS32 9BS

ALL New!

ALL Talk!Time: 09.30 - 13.15

Date: 27 February 2016

Cost: PGCE students (£18), ALL individual members (£25), ALL group members (£30), Non members (£35)

Workshop speakers confirmed so far: Greg Horton, Lisa Stevens, Crista Hazell, Candida Gould. Full details will be available in January 2016.

For more information or to register please visit the website below.

GCHQ - ALL Language Challenge 2016

Friday, 15 January, 2016 - 17:30
Event Type: 
South West
GCHQ, A3a, Hubble Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL51 0EX


GCHQ and the Association for Language Learning have once again joined forces to offer schools an exciting project to use with Year 9 classes.

Starting with class competitions in the autumn term, those schools wanting to go further are invited to enter the competition to attend a finals event to be held at GCHQ in Cheltenham on Friday 29 April 2016. This day will feature the school teams presenting to each other and the judging panel, as well as insights into the work of GCHQ and taster lessons from GCHQ linguists in less commonly taught languages.

The closing date for entries from schools is Friday 15th January.

For more information please visit the website below.
