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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility


Languages Year 10 Summer School

Monday, 26 June, 2017 - 10:00 to Friday, 30 June, 2017 - 16:00
Event Type: 
Various London Universities, the London Assembly and the Museum of London, Docklands

Targeted at Year 10 students. 

The Languages Summer School will explore the various different languages taught at Capital L partner universities, including Kings College London in collaboration with the LSE, SOAS, UCL and the University of Westminster in collaboration with The Open University.

The programme will consist of a mixture of lectures and interactive workshops, so that students will experience what studying languages at university is really like. Participants will also visit the London Assembly, and will visit the Museum of London Docklands.

A finalised programme will be available in the next month.

Please see the application form attached. The deadline for submitting the application is Friday 12th May 2017.

SOAS Urdu Immersion Programme

Wednesday, 5 July, 2017 - 00:00 to Friday, 7 July, 2017 - 00:00
Event Type: 

Urdu Immersion Programme
SOAS, University of London

Wednesday 5th July 2017 9:30am - 3.30pm
Thursday 6th July 2017 9:30am - 3.30pm
Friday 7th July 2017 9:30am - 3:30pm


The Urdu Immersion Programme is for Year 9 and 10 speakers of Urdu, and aims to encourage and support them in taking the Urdu GCSE next year.

Each day, the programme will consist of language classes in the morning and group work in the afternoon. There will also be sessions exploring music and literature relating to Urdu. For the group work, participants will be given a choice of project titles and work together with SOAS student ambassadors to prepare a presentation in whatever format they chose. The presentation will be delivered on the last day. Students will also receive information about studying languages at university, how languages can enhance their career prospects, as well as about other language qualifications.

The aims of the week are to give speakers of these languages the opportunity to develop their written skills, to raise the profile of world languages in general, and to provide young speakers of world languages the chance to explore cultural-political-historical topics related to Urdu.

The students:
Students should be Year 9 or 10 speakers of Urdu. Priority should be given to those who would be the first generation in their family to attend University. This is a widening participation event forming part of the Capital L-Routes into Languages project.

Students must fill out an application form and return it no later than Friday 16th May 2017.

For further information please email

Capital L Ambassadors

Monday, 13 November, 2023 - 09:00 to Wednesday, 31 July, 2024 - 16:00
Event Type: 
In schools



Ambassador-led Talks and Workshops


Our trained Capital L Language Ambassadors are available and eager to share their knowledge and experience with your pupils.
We offer school visits for a variety of age groups to support aspiration and attainment in language studies. Please see a brief description of the ambassador-led sessions we offer to schools below: 
  •  'Why Study Languages?' presentation - available for all year groups from Y7 - Y11. This talk focuses on the social, professional and cognitive benefits of studying languages at GCSE, A Level, and University. Ambassadors, reflecting on their own experiences, demonstrate the various options available for studying languages, share their experiences of studying abroad and highlight potential careers for language graduates. The talk is interactive and aims to broaden students' view of languages, by highlighting the importance of languages in a multilingual and multicultural world.
  • 'Why Study Languages at University?' presentation aimed at Sixth Form/ College students. This talk extends our 'Why Study Languages?' presentation to include more detailed information on applying to study languages at university, options and expectations, and the study skills required. The presentation aims to support students' transition to university. 
  • Language & Culture Workshops - available for all year groups from Y7 - Y11. These workshops provide pupils with the chance to explore a language via cultural artefacts such as music, dance, art, and more. Teachers may submit a request for a particular language or we can provide options according to the interests of our Language Ambassadors. These workshops are highly interactive and aim to inspire pupils to learn a language through interaction with diverse cultures. Previous workshops have included 'Japanese and Manga', 'Spanish around the World', 'Russian and Space Travel', and 'Swahili and the Lion King'.

To request a visit, please complete the request form before the deadline. Please note that priority is given to:

  • Schools based in Low Participation Neighbourhoods 

  • Schools with high numbers of pupils eligible for Free School Meals 

  • Schools with an EBacc entry rate that is lower than the national average

On-line Blended Japanese Course

Saturday, 19 October, 2019 - 10:00 to Saturday, 21 December, 2019 - 12:00
Event Type: 

Venue: Room: TBC

Dates: From Saturday 19th October to Saturday 21st December 2019.

Target audience: Year 12 and 13 students

Level: Beginners. 

This course is free to students. There is funding available for travel expenses.


Week 1 - 10 am to 12 noon:  Face-to-face session at SOAS followed by lunch

Week 2 to 9 - 10 to 11 am: online live course.

Week 10: 10 am to 12 noon: Final session at SOAS followed by lunch (parents welcome)

The Japanese blended course aims to:

  • Encourage immersion in the Japanese Language through film, tv, music and other cultural artefacts
  • Develop learners' transferable study skills associated with academic success and wellbeing
  • Foster a community of learners able to keep each other motivated
  • Inform Sixth formers on the range of courses available in higher education


This course is suitable for students from anywhere in the UK. Travel expenses and accomodation will be provided to those who meet our selection criteria. For more information on that, please see Education Outreach.

To apply, please go to: Registration Form


Contact email:

Contact Tel: 020 7898 4745

Language Ambassador Applications Now Open


Are you a language student at SOAS, University of Westminster, UCL, King's College London, University of Roehampton or the Open University? 

Do you have a strong passion for languages that you would like to share with others?

Do you want to earn £10.94/h?

If you answered yes to the questions above, apply to the language ambassador scheme. It is a paid opportunity for you to share your enthusiasm of languages with school/college students.

For more information on the ambassador scheme and to apply please click here.

The deadline is midnight Sunday 13th October 2019.

Applications will not be accepted past the deadline. 

If you have any questions about the scheme please email us at 

Languages and Law Summer School- Yr 12

Monday, 1 July, 2019 - 10:00 to Friday, 5 July, 2019 - 15:00
Event Type: 
Various London-based Universities; Royal Courts of Justice

The Languages and Law Summer School will explore different themes and languages at 4 different Capital L partners: SOAS, the University of Westminster, the University of Roehampton and King's College London.

Please check this page for updates.

The summer school is free of charge. This is a Widening Participation activity. This activity is for students who attend state-maintained schools. Priority will be given to students who are the first in their family to go to university.

Students are not required to be studying a language at A-Level.

This Summer School is non-residential so we cannot provide accommodation.

Target Year Group: Year 12

Organiser: Daniel Gomez

Contact email:

Contact Tel: 020 7898 4877

Booking information: 

To apply for this Summer School, please complete the online application form.

The deadline for the applications is Friday 10th May 2019.

Year 11 Languages Summer School

Monday, 24 June, 2019 - 10:00 to Thursday, 27 June, 2019 - 15:00
Event Type: 
SOAS, University of London

The aim of the Summer School is to get you to reflect on your study habits and decide how well they work for you. How can you learn in the way that best suits you?

As part of the Summer School you will tackle big issues such as identity, religious conflict and media representation & biases.

You will take part in daily study skill sessions: note-taking, critical reading/writing and essay planning.

There will be daily, beginner Hindi language sessions. We want you to experiment with different language learning strategies and find what works for you, make mistakes and take risks.

This Summer School would be of interest to students who are considering studying languages, religion, politics or media studies.

This is a non-residential Summer School so we cannot provide accommodation.

Target Year Group: 11

Organiser: Daniel Gomez

Contact email:

Contact number: 020 7898 4877

Booking information: 

Please complete this online application form.

Application Deadline: Friday 26th April 2019

Capital L Year 10 Summer School

Monday, 17 June, 2019 - 10:00 to Friday, 21 June, 2019 - 15:00
Event Type: 
Various London-based Universities

Venue: SOAS, King's College London, UCL, the University of Westminster

This Year Capital L is celebrating 10 years of Year 10 Summer Schools. We are inviting promising Yr 10 linguists to join us explore different languages and cultures.

SOAS, the University of Westminster, King's College London and UCL will each host a day of the summer school.

The summer school is free of charge. This is a Widening Participation activity. This activity is for students who attend state-maintained schools. Priority will be given to students who are the first in their family to go to university.

An information evening for students and their parents will be held on Wednesday 5th June 2019 from 4:30pm-6:30pm at SOAS. Further information will be sent closer to the time to successful applicants.

The Summer School is non-residential so we cannot provide accommodation for students. 

Target Year Group: 10

Organiser: Daniel Gomez

Contact email:

Contact Tel: 020 7898 4877

Booking information: 

To apply please fill in this online application form.

The deadline for applications are Friday 26th April 2019

Turkish Immersion Academy 2019

Monday, 1 April, 2019 - 10:00 to Wednesday, 3 April, 2019 - 15:00
Event Type: 
SOAS, University of London

SOAS invites students to attend the Turkish Immersion Academy. Students will work on the four key language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening, there will be a focus on the writing aspect. The Academy uses both academic-led sessions and group work to prepare the students for the Turkish GCSE.

We want the students to use the time at university to learn more about what Higher Education can offer them. Additionally, we want students to understand the benefits of knowing foreign languages.

Target Year: Years 9, 10 and 11

Eligibility criteria: Students should be Turkish speakers, who have been entered for the Turkish GCSE. Priority will be given to those who are first generation in their family to attend university and are taking exams this year.Organiser: Daniel Gomez

Contact email:

Contact Tel: 020 7898 4877

Booking information: 

To apply please ask the student to complete the online application form

Application Deadline: Monday 18th March 2019

We will let students and teachers know on Tuesday 19th March 2019 whether they have been successful in gaining a place

Connecta Multilingual Film Competition

Monday, 3 December, 2018 - 10:00
Event Type: 
At schools



Using Language to dis(connect)
A Short Multilingual Film Competition

The University of Roehampton invites GCSE and A Level pupils across England to enter a multilingual film festival!*


We have a passion for languages at Roehampton and seek to showcase the value of languages and explore their creative potential through film. Films need to include more than one language, through both audio and subtitle channels.
Pupils can create films (of up to 10 mins) and enter one of two categories: GCSE or A Level.

Shortlisted films (selected by Roehampton students and staff) will be invited to participate at the Roehampton Multilingual Film Festival in June 2019, where the winners will be announced .

Online learning packs, online tuition and workshops will be provided in phases to participating schools, supporting teachers and students to create short films with free and easily accessible equipment. 


o Script writing
o Acting for the camera
o Shooting and editing
o Adding sound and music
o Translation techniques
o Subtitling

Participation criteria

o The competition is open to all secondary schools in England
o Pupils must be at either GCSE level or A level
o There must be at least two languages in the film
o The film must be written, filmed, acted and edited by students
o The film should not exceed 10 minutes

Project timeline

First teaching pack is made available to schools: Friday 4th January 2019

Google Class launches: Monday 7th January 2019

Submission of films: Friday 24th May 2019

Roehampton Multilingual Film Festival: June 2019

Learning packs will be available via the online platform Google Class

Application deadline/ Queries

Teachers and students, we want to hear from you. To express your interest or for queries please email Hayley Dawson at by Monday 3rd December 2018.

*Funded by Creative Multilingualism, a research programme led by the University of Oxford and funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council as part of the Open World Research Initiative
